As an Amazon-oriented company, we’re always looking to stay on top of the trends that will help our sellers achieve the best results. Your win is our win!
We’ve already talked about Sponsored Brands Video to help you advertise your brand and products in one of the most effective ways. Today’s blog will teach you about something completely different: how can you retarget different audiences or even make potential customers who have already seen your listing come back and make the purchase?
What are Amazon Sponsored Display Ads?
Amazon Sponsored Display is a Pay-Per-Click marketing advertising product that allows you to reach customers who are already looking in your category or similar terms to your product, they will boost your listings’ visibility and will even place you on your competitors’ listings to help you get more views which translates into clients.
The biggest difference between Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and “Sponsored Display” is that the first two use keywords to target potential customers, whereas S.D.A. uses demographics to target audiences based on their shopping behavior.
Where can you find Sponsored Display Ads?
They’re usually found right under the right sidebar’s buying options, for example:
- Product Detail Pages on Desktop and Mobile
- Customer Review Pages
- Top of the Offer Listing Pages

But that’s not the best part: S.D.A. can appear outside of Amazon as well! You’ll be able to advertise your products on websites owned or partnered with Amazon.
Who can use this tool?
Amazon vendors or Brand-Registered sellers.
What are the benefits?
If you’re looking to boost your impressions, that’s where S.D.A. can help you! Here are some of the benefits:
- Increase brand awareness in your niche
- Bring traffic to a product’s details page
- Place your best product under your competitors’ listings
- Boost exposure for new product listings
Remember: Out of sight means out of mind. The first step to selling your products and becoming the leader of your category is to put yourself, your brand, and your products out there. So that is when Sponsored Display Ads are your best friend.
How does it work?

S.D.A’s is a pay-per-click tool. You will be betting against other sellers for placements (meaning visibility to other potential customers). One of the best parts is that there is no minimum investment required! You’ll set your bids and daily budget.
There are three types of targeting options so far with Sponsored Display Ads:
a) Product Targeting Ads
This option allows you to reach customers who are browsing your product or similar products and/or categories. You can target potential customers of top competitors by displaying your product as an ad on their listings.
This option is only available for Vendors and Third Party Sellers.
b) Audiences: Views remarketing
With audiences, you’ll retarget customers who have already seen your listings. Re-engaging with these customers is more likely to convert than targeting “cold” traffic.
This option is only available for Vendors and Third Party Sellers.
c) Audiences: Interests
This last targeting option can increase awareness of your brand by introducing your products to new audiences who have shown that they might be interested in your products.
This option is only available for Vendors.

How to create Sponsored Display Ads? (According to Amazon Advertising)
- Select your targeting strategy (product targeting of audiences).
- Set your bid and daily budget.
- Choose the products you’d like to promote or select the audiences you would like to reach.
- Your team automatically creates your ad, and it will appear on or off Amazon, depending on the targeting strategy.
To sum up
As Vendors and Registered Brands, sellers have amazing tools and opportunities to help themselves stay on top of their categories. It’s only a matter of getting to know these tools and using them to your advantage.
The most important thing about Sponsored Display Ads is that your products will be on everyone’s listings, so you need amazing photos that will catch everyone’s attention. And that’s where we come in! Contact us now and let’s get started!